Have you ever heard of syringoma? Before I explain to you, let me first show you what it is —
According to MedicineNet, syringoma is a benign (noncancerous) skin tumor that derives from eccrine cells, specialized cells related to sweat glands. The skin lesions of syringoma usually appear during puberty or adult life, and consist of small bumps 1 to 3 mm in diameter that form under the surface of the skin. The most frequent site is the eyelids and around the eyes, but other areas of the body can also be affected. Syringomas more frequently affect women than men, and they have a hereditary basis in some cases.
In my case, I have suffered from this since I stepped into late high school. At first they were small bumps just right below my eyes and later on, just continued on multiplying. I tried to have it cauterized once but after six months, they were back.
It was a good thing that RCC Amazing was introduced to me by our former president, Mr. A. He told me that there is this revolutionary product which was made of cashew nuts, invented by a Filipino that could take away my syringoma.
I have gone through the desyringoma process under RCC Amazing for four times now – one in 2007, one in 2009 and another one before my wedding in 2012. I was just happy that it took three years for them to grow back again. Last Saturday, I asked the husband to accompany me again to Robinsons Galleria to have my growing bumps ‘burned’… again!
The total procedure would cost around PHP4000++. This includes the procedure and the treatments (creams, astringent and soap) that you need to use until they heal.
This is how I looked last Saturday after the procedure –
A closer look, perhaps? 😉

Six days later, all the scabs are gone and I am just waiting for them to heal completely —
The whole procedure would take around 30 to 45 minutes. I think you can purchase a topical anaesthesia from the drug store if you have low tolerance for pain (you can check with them first if you can do this since I have never used one). The skin technician will first clean your face. After that, she will prick on the bumps, similar to what they do in facials. The Desyringoma cream will then be applied and that’s when you will feel a burning sensation which would last for several minutes. I usually ask for a cardboard so that I can “fan away” the pain. Haha.
After the procedure, you are not allowed to wash your face for seven hours. You will then use their glycerin soap and antibacterial astringent to clean your face, followed by the application of the drying cream. When the scabs come off, you have to use a moisturizing cream in the morning and a whitening cream at night. You also need to avoid direct sunlight and apply their own sunblock cream when you have to go outdoors.
According to their website, this process of removing syringomas is through through herbal cautery using the DeSyringoma cream. The herbal cautery uses the active ingredient of the cashew oil that is known for its medicinal properties thus removing your syringomas safety and effectively.
I looooveee RCC Amazing that’s why I am sharing this (not a sponsored post). I really am into promoting products that I have personally tried and tested and this one has been nothing but amazing! Also, I think it is pretty awesome to have a Filipino inventor come up with something like this.
While syringoma is non-cancerous and its treatment is purely for cosmetic purposes, I would still do it because these crazy little bumps can affect your self-confidence especially if they start multiplying and would occupy your whole face (waahh!).
Check out their website to know more about this amazing product>>