Fun and Learning Games My Kids and I Enjoy

As a mom and mindfulness teacher, I’m always on the lookout for fun ways to mix learning and play. Whether it’s through mindfulness, aromatherapy, or even simple games with my kids, I believe that finding small moments of joy can make a big difference in our day.

Recently, I came across, a website with a variety of online games for kids and adults. It’s perfect for those quick breaks when you just want to relax and have fun. Plus, it’s something you can do with your kids, too!

Our Favorite Games: Baby Supermarket & Sweety Cooking Chocolate Cake

One game my daughter Lucia really enjoys is Baby Supermarket.

She loves going grocery shopping with me, so this game is right up her alley! It lets her put items in her cart and “shop” for different items, just like in a real supermarket.

As she picks out the food, she also learns about what the items are and where they belong, which makes it both fun and educational.

Another game we liked is Sweety Cooking Chocolate Cake.

It’s a super simple cooking game where you follow instructions to bake a cake.

Lucia and I play it together, and it’s a nice, easy-paced game that teaches her how to follow steps without being too overwhelming and overstimulating.

Practical Tools Beyond Games

Aside from the games, has some great tools for grown-ups too. I’ve been exploring their Body Fat Calculator and reading up on their weight loss blog. As someone who focuses on mindfulness and holistic well-being, I think it’s important to approach weight loss and health from a place of self-care and understanding.

The Body Fat Calculator is a useful tool for checking in with your body, but I always remind myself and others not to get too caught up in the numbers. What’s more important is listening to your body’s needs—whether that’s through movement, better sleep, or nourishing foods. Mindfulness isn’t just about mental health; it’s about tuning into your physical well-being too.

Bringing It All Together

If you’re looking for simple, fun games that you can enjoy with your kids, or even tools that help you on your own wellness journey, I highly recommend checking out You’ll find a little bit of everything—whether it’s for relaxation, learning, or just a fun way to pass the time.

I’d love to know if you try out any of the games! As always, I’m here to support you on your path to finding balance and wellness in everyday life. 💖