Being a first-time mom can be overwhelming.
If you are anything like me, you’d want everything for your baby – from that cute little onesie to that oh-so-expensive travel system that you know you can’t afford, lol (why are baby stuff uber expensive anyway??) It’s a good bad good thing that I have a very rational husband who makes sure that I am not overspending on the things I buy for Santi (but I also get to sneak this and that out sometimes, hehe).
Last week, there is this popular thread in Glam-o-Mamas discussing what stuff for your baby you regretted buying.
After browsing through what other mommas listed, I can safely conclude that no two babies are really the same.
For example, other moms would find a stroller utterly useless while I can’t live without it. I would say that Santi’s strollers are the most used equipment in the house – one to put him to sleep since he was around 2 months old and the other one we use when we go out. I wear him sometimes but the ginormous kid is so heavy that my back hurts like cray (growing old sucks, I know!) after several hours of carrying him.
Anyway, going back to the things I regretted buying… here is my trash list, momma!
1. Teething gels

Yaya was the one who told me about this because she used it on her other “kids” but my pedia advised me against the use of teething gels for babies below 2 years old. Because of its numbing effects, it can make swallowing difficult and may actually increase risk of choking especially if baby is producing too much saliva. Instead of these gels, she advised me to give teethers instead.
2. Rocker
I thought that these rockers were awesome but Santi barely lasted for five minutes in this paraphernalia. Some moms swear by it but mine just didn’t want to be in this contraption. You can get one from Lazada although the pricing is a little iffy because it can cost as high as Php5,000>> or as low as Php1,500ish>>. I wonder why.
3. Wooden Crib
We got a wooden crib with a drop-down side so we can push it against our bed. We never got to use it though as Santi, on his first months, preferred to sleep in my arms (literally). I think he likes the warmth of my body. We have decided to co-sleep since then.
4. Burp cloths
For someone who is in marketing, I still fall for the crazy marketing trap. Haha. That’s what my hubby told me. Anyway, burp cloths. Not really of any special use. There is nothing this burp cloth can do that the good ol’ lampin cannot; so save yourself some cash and put this back on the shelves.
5. Zoli Nail Trimmer

Oh, the hype! I was really sold on how this product is supposedly muuuuch safer that the usual nailcutter so I got one at a baby fair. However, this files Santi’s nails so slowly that he gets irritated and we never finish! Ended up selling it instead. Lol.
How about you, momma? What items did you regret buying for your baby?
MOMMY TIP! For items that I do not use, I usually sell them in a local buy and sell Facebook group, the Baby Business Club>> One momma’s trash can be another one’s treasure.