Rest and take a break if you must but you should still continue trying and fighting 
A couple who surpasses great challenges towards having their little bundle of joy – who go through unexplained infertility or recurrent miscarriages – is admirable.
Not everyone is lucky and sometimes, not all of us get the support that we need from our very own family. I have talked to women who go through the process on their own and it is truly heartbreaking.
So, it is always a story for me to share when husbands are always there for their wives, waiting with them and supporting them on this (to quote Tin) – physically, emotionally, mentally and financially exhausting slice of our #APAS life.
I was so inspired with Tin’s story.
It is a story of patience, resilience, and the attitude of never giving up until they are granted their heart’s desires.
While we are not 100% sure that our treatments will work or if that rainbow baby is going to come one day, it is beautiful to witness the strength and the grace of every single APAS warrior who continues to fight every single day for their own stork to come.

Name: Tin Osorio
RID (repro-immuno disorder) Categories: 1 and 2
OB: Dr. Eileen Manalo
Immuno: Dr. CJ Gloria
Age: 32
How many pregnancies? 2
How many miscarriages? 1 (natural twin pregnancy)
Live births? 1
How did you know that you have RID?
- My husband and I found out we were pregnant with twins after 4 months of getting married. We never heard their heartbeats even after following the doctor’s advice of taking medicines and bedrests. My then-OB had to give me medications so I can have a spontaneous miscarriage. I was so devastated when that happened that I researched daily on possible causes of miscarriage. Of course, I found out that the number 1 reason for miscarriage is chromosomal abnormalities and that a miscarriage happens to 10-20% of all pregnancies but I couldn’t accept that. I found out about RID in the internet and I talked to my OB about it and I said I want to be tested. At first, she didn’t want because I only had 1 miscarriage and I was young (28 years old then) and generally healthy. However, when the RID test results came out, she referred me to Dr CJ Gloria, my immunologist.
What did you feel when you first found out you had RID?
- I was both relieved and puzzled. There was a sense of relief because finally, I know the reasons why our twins are now angels. I was also puzzled because I couldn’t understand why some women have RID and why a women’s body will attack a baby to terminate a pregnancy, which is a very natural thing.
What preconception treatments did you have?
- After my miscarriage, we couldn’t get pregnant again naturally that we did IUIs and IVFs. I was doing LIT regularly (every 5-6 months), taking vitamins and probiotics but on our last IVF cycle, we did lipid infusion prior the embryos transfer.
What is the greatest challenge of having RID?
- Having RID does not affect my daily life per se. I can do my daily activities and RID does not affect my energy level or mood. I think the greatest challenge is addressing RID because the treatments can be costly and there is no 100% guarantee. I was doing LIT for years and taking aspirin (as per doctor’s advise whenever I have IUI) but we just couldn’t get pregnant again. Of course, there are still many factors that will affect a positive pregnancy but that is a different topic.
How long after the treatments did you get pregnant?
- About 3 years. Early 2016, I started consultation with Dr CJ Gloria and did treatments and it was in 2019 that I got pregnant again thru IVF.
What were your medications during pregnancy?
- For the entire pregnancy, I was doing either lipid or IVIG infusion monthly depending on my ultrasound results and suggestion of Dr CJ Gloria. Dr Eileen Manalo also put me on daily aspirin and prednisone but I forgot for how many months.
Any advice to those who are diagnosed with RID and are still trying
- Rest and take a break if you must but you should still continue trying and fighting
Please share your RID timeline
- 2015 – miscarriage
- 2016 – I found out I have RID and I started treatment
- 2016 to 2019 – I was doing both RID and fertility treatments
- 2019 – pregnant thru IVF
What is your greatest realization?
- I realized that having the right doctors and being well informed are very important. Wrong diagnosis and treatments make the baby journey longer and harder. While it is important to be patient in waiting for the right time when you will get pregnant (or will get pregnant again), it is also crucial to make the conscious effort in finding out if your body is ready to get pregnant or what treatments do you need to make your body ready.
What/Who helped you through this difficult time?
- My husband and our families. Needing both RID and fertility treatments are physically, emotionally, mentally and financially exhausting so it is very important to have a strong support system.

Thank you, King, for coming into the life of your mom and dad. Thank you for being an inspiration – a testament of hope and the ultimate symbol of the love of two people who did not give up.